December 30, 2011

Yallu, saya tengah down. I feel I'm useless. I've achieved nothing in my life. Oh hey, what a pathetic me. To be honest, I have a lot of dreams. Yes, I'm an ambitious person. I ever posted an entry about my dreams right?  But all this while, I had never work on it. Sad. Truly sad. Sometimes, aku terfikir 'apa yang aku buat selama ni ehh?', 'apa aku punya contribution selama ni?'. Well. tak payah cakap pasal masyarakat dan negara, dalam family je cukup.
Seriously, aku rasa sangat down sekarang ni. I'm a procrastinate person. All the assignments, I haven't done it. Quizzes? Ambik mudah je. Tak belajar pun jalann je. Lulus ke, fail ke lantaklah. I'm THINKING sampai bila aku nak jadi macam ni? I tried to change my attitude, but I'm not doing it continuously. I spoiled myself too much. Too much. Sighs.

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