hai gorgeous and handsome!
I love music. I really do. but I don't even know how to play any of music instrument. isn't that pathetic guys ? for me, to know how to play any of music instrument is very important. it is my long-lasting life plan. even not for now, but sooner or later.
to be exact, I love piano and guitar. I really want to master one of them. its better if I can play both well. seriously, I really can't live if there's no music in my life. a day without music would be disaster to me. sounds like I am exaggerating but thats the truth though. kekeke.
now, I'm thinking of learning a guitar since one of my classmates willing to teach me. tehee. but the problem is, I don't have any guitar thus Afiq's guitar already broken. and now I came up with an idea. I want to buy a guitar. acoustic guitar. how much its cost actually ? nahh, I am the best in spending money. :P
last time, I said I want to buy a camera, and this time I'm planning to buy a guitar. hey, what's going on with me now ? I love to spend money for unnecessary things. sigh. I need to remind myself that its not easy to earn money. please farah. -_-
I want to have one of these so badly. Hopefully, a prince charming would buy me one. wakaka. can ah ? Prince Heo Young Saeng. =)
Talking about piano. ohh I love a guy who can play piano well. to be precise, I love guy who can play any of music instruments especially guitar and piano. but nowadays, usually typical malay guy prefer to play guitar rather than piano. Rarely we can see a guy who plays piano. hmm. =( , but Heo Young Saeng can play piano! uwaa. I incredibly love it!♥
How I wish I could have one. Never mind, sooner I'll get it. maybe not for myself but perhaps for my daughter ?? Who knows ? =)
Recently, I noticed that I knew what is interest,passion and soul. It's all about music, photography, outdoor activities and drama. I think I have a lotttt of interest actually. muahaha. oh man, how can this be ?? ngee. :P
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