Annyeoung Haseyo!
second update for today. tehee. i dunno what's going on with me. tomorrow i have to sit for my table test but still i refuse to read the 'buku panduan'. ala, i tak ready lagi la. even my silly brother and cuzzy cakap 'u gonna fail you first table test'. ciss! tak guna punya budak!btw, wish me luck yea. at list i manage to get 42/50 correct. -.-
ouh ya, based on the title tu la kan. hari ni 11/5/2011 kan ? and tomorrow is 12/5/2011. guess whose album gonna release tomorrow ? cepat teka. cepatttt. dalam kiraan 10. cepatttt......
satu, dua, tiga, empat....... tettt. masa tamat!
ok, i'm gonna reveal it now. ready ??

tadaa! ehh, salah upload pulak. miyane. 

presented to you....*drum roll* HEO YOUNG SAENG!!!!!!!!!!
he's my heartthrob , my passionate, my precious gift from God , my laling, my baby, my...tut,tut,tutttttt *bad coverage, :P*
here's the story. Young Saeng's first solo mini album will release tonight. 12.00am sharp. due to my obsession of YS, i'm gonna buy YS original album from Triple S Malaysia. i followed their twitter. then, yesterday they tweeted who want to buy YS album. and on the spot, i tweeted them back and informed them that i wanna buy it.
it's cost rm55 including postage and poster. it's affordable though. within 3 weeks for now on, the precious album will be in my hand. waaa! can't wait yaww! grrrr.
to my baby YS,
please do well and take a good care of yourself. we both in a long distance relationship.
remember, i'll always support you and don't push yourself too hard.
be smart k. next time we will meet again whenever you have time.
and date like a normal couple.
ada sesiapa nak muntah tak ? silakan! wakaka. love you lah baby! muahhh!
Formula Add math hari ini :: plan esok nak bank in duit untuk YS album, table test and perhaps, buy a new phone. my phone is dying.T-T
hoho.k pop
@combi HEHE, sangat in love with YS. :p
hehe , minat sangat! <3
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